Two years ago, I received news that has changed the course of my life. After applying on a whim, I was notified that I received the Ruby’s Artist Grant from the Greater Baltimore Cultural Alliance (GBCA), which received start up funding from the Robert W. Deutsch Foundation. This was the official birth of production of a documentary about my grandparents, Everyone But Two: The Life, Love and Travel of Benjamin & Frances Graham. Over the course of the two years, I have been to a lot of places but there are still lots of roads left to travel. Today, I would like to say thank you. None of this would be possible without having received this award and without the support and generosity of Sonja Sendak (GBCA), Jeannie Howe (GBCA) and Jane Brown (Robert W. Deutsch Foundation). Also, a special thanks to Joe Rubino for his beautiful camera work and advice while filming the promo and the 4 other amazing awardees featured.